Summer of Wonder - People
/Each week during this Summer of Wonder, we have been looking closely at a different part of God’s creation, wondering at the beauty, science, and mystery of the world around us. This week is our final week of the Summer of Wonder series, and we are thinking about people and exploring our place in God’s creation. Today we’ll read our original blessing from God, and wonder together about people.
For our story this week, we will listen to the book We’re All Wonders, read to us by Elmo and Luis.
Genesis 1:26-31
Then God said, “Now let’s make humans who will be like us. They will rule over all the fish in the sea and the birds in the air. They will rule over all the large animals and all the little things that crawl on the earth.”
So God created humans in God’s own image. God blessed them and said to them, “Have many children. Fill the earth and take control of it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the air. Rule over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
God said, “I am giving you all the grain bearing plants and all the fruit trees. These trees make fruit with seeds in it. This grain and fruit will be your food. And I am giving all the green plants to the animals. These green plants will be their food. Every animal on earth, every bird in the air, and all the little things that crawl on the earth will eat that food.” And all these things happened.
God looked at everything God had made, and saw that everything was very good.
There was evening, and then there was morning. This was the sixth day.
I wonder what God is like in this passage?
I wonder which part of this passage is the most important?
I wonder which part of this passage is about you?
Video Playlist:
People come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, with all kinds of skills, abilities, and favorites! We all have different brains and different thoughts, and each of us is lovingly created in God’s image. The playlist below includes some story read alouds and videos all about people around the world.
SummerofWonder - People Playlist
Activities and Art:
Let’s make some art that shows all different kinds of people! Would you like to make a self-portrait–a picture of yourself? Would you like to create someone you know, or even an imaginary person? Would you like to make lots of different kinds of people? Here are some different ideas to help you get started.
Leaf people craft - Collect leaves and natural materials outside to create people art.
How to Draw People - Follow this video tutorial to practice drawing people. After you finish the outline, you can add details and color it in!
Self Portrait Coloring Pages - These coloring pages can get you started drawing a picture of yourself and showing what’s unique about you!
Stick people craft - Find sticks that look like bodies. Lay them on a piece of paper, and use a marker or pen to add missing details!
This concludes our Summer of Wonder series! What an amazing summer it has been! All summer long I’ve invited you to send in photos and videos of the beauty you saw, and here is the final compilation. Look at all the beauty in the world around us!