Spring 2025 SMALL GROUPS

For questions or more info on small groups, contact communications@sanctuaryic.org.


College/Young Adult Sunday Brunch Club

- Led by James & Steph Tutson. Enjoy brunch at the Tutson’s post-church! Connect with other college students and young adults and enjoy a home-cooked meal. Meets twice a month on Sundays after church, 12pm at James and Steph Tutson’s house, east side of IC. This group is for college students and young adults.



Winter Playgroup

- Led by Lianna Cornally. Join others for some winter playgroup days at Sanctuary on 1/23, 2/7, 2/28, 3/13, and 4/4 from 8:30-10:30 AM. Connect with other parents and enjoy snacks & beverages. Toys and games for little ones will be available.



Craft n’ Chat

- Led by Nicola Reynolds. Join others in working on a craft of any kind while enjoying good company and snacks. Meets at Sanctuary, days and times TBD.



Good Sex

- Led by David BG. This group will involve a series of discussions around spirituality and sex. We’ll read sections of the book Shameless by Nadia Bolz-Weber as well as other other resources, and we’ll consider sex-positive and body-positive values that resonate with the message of Jesus. We’ll also discuss how we might talk about sex with children and teens in age-appropriate ways that include body- and sex-positivity. Meets once a month on Sunday mornings at 8:30 a.m. at Sanctuary. Coffee is ready, and you get your first choice of bagel after the group.



Sanctuary Teens + Neighbors of Iowa City

- Led by Kate Thrams & Steph Tutson. Sanctuary and Neighbors will be collaborating to host a fun group for teens this fall. We will have dinner, play games, sing, and enjoy small groups. This fall we’ll be exploring the topic of friendship. Is it possible to have healthy friendships as a teen? How can we navigate conflict with respect for ourselves and others? What can Jesus teach us about what it means to be a loving friend? This group is for junior high and high school students. Meets monthly on Monday evenings, 7-8:30 p.m. at Sanctuary. Dates: 9/9, 10/7, 11/11, 12/2



Archiving the Self - Creative Documentation of Everyday Life

- Led by Terri Draper, Valerie Keffala, & Lori Chasse. By using prompted journaling and creative writing best practice, everyone will have the opportunity to engage in a writing practice that best helps them engage with and investigate what is truly alive in their lives and how they can use that for both current and future inspiration and growth. Meets Saturdays or Sundays, dates and times TBD.


Be a Revolution - Book Discussion Group

- Led by Lori Smith & Paul McRoberts. Oluo's latest book takes the discussion on racism & injustice further into the realm of addressing systems of oppression. She looks at 8 of our powerful systems, e.g. education, media, labor, prisons, policing, etc. Each section (system) includes a discussion from Oluo as well as profiles of individuals relating to the subject.  Each section closes with “Be A Revolution” section which includes several actions we, as individuals, can take to help address this issue. Join us for this discussion. Who knows, you may find ways that YOU can be a revolution. Meets Tuesdays, 7-8:30 p.m. at the McRoberts' home, beginning September 24th and ending November 12th.



~*~OnE iN a MiLlEnNiAl~*~

- Led by Dana Lehmann. ~*~Hey Gurl. Whazzz up?? ~*~ Join me as we read Kate Kennedy’s book One in a Millennial and discuss how millennial pop culture influenced us, challenged us, and changed us. We will also celebrate our coming of age during Y2K. We will meet Sunday, October 6th and Sunday, November 3rd from 6:30-8:30 p.m. to discuss our favorite parts of the book over frozen pizza and 2 Liters of soda that are kind of warm (just like the old dayz). Hope to see you there! ~*LYLAS*~ 



Family Field Trips

- Led by Amy Kraber. Join other families from Sanctuary once per month to explore stories and ideas from Kids Wing lessons and bring those stories to life by taking field trips to various sites. Possibilities this fall include the fossil gorge for exploring and bird watching, and meeting for an Advent activity. On December 8 we'll meet at church for a potluck dinner before making luminaries and enjoying Coralville's annual Aisle of Lights festival.

October 6: fall outing to the fossil gorge, with bird watching option; November 17: TBD; December 8: potluck at church and Coralville's Aisle of Lights.


Immanuel Prayer

- Led by Adey Wassink. Memory reconciliation, according to psychologists, is the process by which humans heal after trauma. Immanuel Prayer takes advantage of this as a prayer model seeking to get close to Jesus. This grounds our being in an experience of the divine and produces a safe space in which we can find healing for our own traumas and griefs. Meeting dates and times TBD.