Sunday, January 26
Opening Songs - James Tutson, Worship Director
Announcements - David BG, Exec. Pastor
Message - Chris McMillan
Musical Worship
Closing Blessing
scroll to the bottom for more info about in-person services
News & Events
General Information for in-person Sunday Services
Baby Lounge: You can hear the service from the baby lounge located in the rear right of the sanctuary.
Candle Lighting Station: Everyone is welcome to use the candle lighting station located against the back wall of the sanctuary. You can light a candle as a symbol of prayer, gratitude, grief, or remembrance.
Offering stations: Donation boxes are available on the back walls of the sanctuary. You can also give online or through Venmo (@SanctuaryCommunityChurch).
Restrooms: Please feel free to use the restroom that matches your gender identity.
Fragrance Free: We want everyone to be comfortable at our Sunday services. We request that you refrain from wearing scents. Thank you!