Sunday, January 26

Opening Songs - James Tutson, Worship Director

Announcements - David BG, Exec. Pastor

Message - Chris McMillan


Musical Worship

Closing Blessing

scroll to the bottom for more info about in-person services

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News & Events



$25 in 2025

In 2024, our expenses exceeded our donations by $16,800. To meet our budget goals in 2025, we’re asking each individual or family to consider increasing their giving to Sanctuary by $25 per month. If every household makes that increase, we will meet—and even exceed—our 2025 income target. If you give through PayPal or Venmo, you can update your giving and increase your donation by $25/month. If you give through ACH, or automatic withdrawals from checking, reach out to our bookkeeper Lori Smith at to request the $25/month increase. Thank you!



Winter Playgroup

Kids Ministry Director, Lianna Cornally, is hosting some winter playgroup days at Sanctuary on 1/23, 2/7, 2/28, 3/13, and 4/4 from 8:30-10:30 AM. Connect with other parents and enjoy snacks & beverages. Toys and games for little ones will be available.



Lead a Small Group

We’re preparing our spring semester small groups, and we’re looking for folks who are interested in hosting or leading a group. “What’s alive to you?” That’s the question we use to prompt ideas for groups. Maybe it’s a podcast or book, a hobby or activity like gardening, a spiritual practice, or reading mysteries. At Sanctuary, we hope to offer a variety of groups that will help people connect and grow together. New groups will launch in early February. Have an idea? Email



HOF Lunch

Our Hands On Faith (HOF) ministry is hosting a lunch for anyone connected to a local nonprofit that’s focused on serving the broader community. If you volunteer regularly or are on the board of a local nonprofit, we’d love to have you join us. It’s happening on Sunday, Feb. 16. Email to RSVP.



Sanctuary the Book

We’re excited to announce the release of Sanctuary, the story of how our church left evangelical exclusion behind to become fully inclusive.



Sermon Podcast

Miss a Sunday? You can listen to the Sunday message on Sanctuary's weekly podcast. Search for "Sunday Teachings - Sanctuary Community Church" in iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts.


General Information for in-person Sunday Services

Baby Lounge: You can hear the service from the baby lounge located in the rear right of the sanctuary.

Candle Lighting Station: Everyone is welcome to use the candle lighting station located against the back wall of the sanctuary. You can light a candle as a symbol of prayer, gratitude, grief, or remembrance.

Offering stations: Donation boxes are available on the back walls of the sanctuary. You can also give online or through Venmo (@SanctuaryCommunityChurch).

Restrooms: Please feel free to use the restroom that matches your gender identity.

Fragrance Free: We want everyone to be comfortable at our Sunday services. We request that you refrain from wearing scents. Thank you!