Jesus Appears to His Followers By the Sea
/We have been exploring the stories of Jesus appearing to people after his death and before he ascends to heaven. This week we tell the story of Jesus meeting some of his followers by the Sea of Galilee. Last week we invited all of you to help us tell the story this week, and it is so fun to see what you created! The following video was made by some of our Sanctuary kids: Theoden, Lydia, and Catherine Outterson; Emberly and Kyla Harry; Lucas Iverson; and Lenora, Julian, and Griffin Cornally. Thanks so much for the help, friends!
Story/Video: Jesus Appears to His Followers By the Sea
Story Adapted from Young Children and Worship®, and John 21:1-13 (CEB)
I Wonder…
I wonder how the disciples felt when they saw all of those fish?
I wonder if it was familiar to the disciples when Jesus broke the bread and gave it to them?
I wonder how it felt for them to spend time with Jesus?
I wonder what Jesus said to the disciples while they were eating together?
Would you like to say a prayer together? You can say it out loud, or even just think it in your head. Imagine all of us praying together and God listening to us all.
Activity: How to Draw Fish
Since we read a story about fish, let’s learn how to draw some fish! There are three videos to choose from: one teaches you how to draw a very cute cartoon fish, one shows you how to draw a fish with an ocean scene around it, and one teaches you how to draw a realistic looking rainbow trout. You can pick your favorite, or try all three!
How to draw a fish, coral, shell (no words)
How to draw a realistic fish (rainbow trout)
If you draw a fish this week, take a picture of your creation and send it to! We love to see your art!
Songs with Actions/Videos
Singing is a fantastic way to have fun, connect with God, and use your voice. These songs are all about fish, Jesus, or both! Some of them even have actions that you can copy and learn. Have fun singing!
Thanks for joining us this week! See you next time!