Celebrating the People Who Take Care of Us
/Who takes care of you? Is there someone who feeds you, reads to you, teaches you, or plays with you? We’re going to celebrate the grown-ups who take care of us today.
Amy, Pows and Wows, and a visit from Baby Bear!
Amy reads the book, “When I Pray For You.”
“When I Pray for You,” by Matthew Paul Turner.
What are some of the ways that your grown-up at home takes care of you?
Thank You, Caregivers!
Today we can celebrate all the people who love you and take care of you. One way to celebrate your special grownup is to say thank you for what they do. If you have a printer, you can have a grownup help you print this page, or you can make your own with plain paper!
Animals and Their Babies
Have you ever seen animals take care of their babies? At my house, I (Lianna) have goats. Each spring, baby goats are born, and the mama goats clean them, feed them, snuggle with them, and teach them how to eat grass and hay. Would you like to see my baby goats? Here is a video of them when they are just born, one day old, and one week old.
It’s so amazing to see animals, birds, and creatures of all kinds care for their little ones and help them grow up safe and healthy. All over the world, older creatures are taking care of younger creatures, feeding them, carrying them, and finding a safe place for them to sleep. Isn't it wonderful?
Here is a playlist of videos showing the many ways that little ones are taken care of around the world.
YouTube Playlist: Baby Animals and the Grownups Who Care for Them:
Matching Games
Did you know that different animals have different names for their babies and grownups? Here are some fun matching games. See if you can figure them out!
Baby/Parent Picture Match (for younger kids)
Baby/Parent Name Match (for kids who can read)
Animal Caregiver Behavior Match (for older kids)
Thank you to all of our mothers, fathers, grandparents, guardians, caregivers, and all the grownups in our lives! And thank you to God, who loves and cares for all of us, and treasures us as a parent treasures their children.