Caring For Creation - St. Francis of Assisi

This summer, throughout our Summer of Wonder series, we spent time exploring all of the amazing things God made, big and small, including us–people! We looked at verses in the creation story in Genesis, where we read that God created humans “reflecting our nature.” Today, we are beginning a new series, continuing to explore God’s creation and our place in it as humans.

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Wondering Questions

I wonder what is the nature of God?

I wonder what God wants us to know about who God is in this passage?

What does it mean that we are responsible for the fish, the birds, the cattle and the earth?

What are some ways we can take care of God’s creation?

Saint Francis of Assisi

Francis of Assisi was born in Italy in 1182. At the age of 20 he devoted himself to a life of prayer. Three years later, Francis chose to live a life of poverty and dedicated himself to God.

Francis loved nature. He took long walks through the countryside, studying plants, animals, and trees. Francis felt that all plants and animals were part of God’s kingdom. He wrote songs and preached to both birds and people. Saint Francis is a wonderful example of someone who cared very much about all the people, animals, and plants that God created. 

Feast of Saint Francis: October 4

We remember Saint Francis on his Feast day, which is celebrated on October 4, but can also be celebrate all month long in different ways. One of the most common ways to celebrate Francis is to hold a Blessing of the Animals. You might want to participate in the Feast of St. Francis by celebrating, praying for, or asking for blessings for the animals in your life. Do you have a pet at home? Are there animals that live in your neighborhood or that you see sometimes that are meaningful to you?

If you have a special animal in your life, or if there are animals in the world that you care about, we invite you to celebrate them. Share a photo of an animal, draw a picture, or tell a short story about them, and send them to Lianna at or 319.321.7771 before October 15. We will pray a blessing over your animals and all join together to remember that animals hold such a special place in God’s creation. (Depending on how many we receive, we may even compile these pictures and stories into a video to share with you!)


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