Growth From Ashes
/What is Ash Wednesday?
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent. Lent is the 6 weeks (40 days) before Easter.
During Lent, some people like to learn about what Jesus did and do things that help us feel close to God. We could spend more time doing the things that help us feel closer to God, like praying or giving. We could also do less of the things that make us feel far away from God.
On Ash Wednesday, some people will go to church for a special service where they will pray together and someone will put ashes on their forehead.
Below is a printable that can help you keep track of the days of Lent, beginning with Ash Wednesday and ending with Easter. If you like, you can fill in each day with something meaningful to you. You might write down a word that describes God, something or someone you are praying for, or how you felt God's closeness that day. Maybe you have another idea!
Growth From Ashes
Let’s wonder about what Ash Wednesday could mean by learning a little more about ashes. The slideshow below will show you some real pictures of ashes. Click through each slide to learn more about ashes and some good things that can come from them.

Isn’t it amazing that even after a fire has burned a forest down and caused lots of damage, or even after a volcano has erupted, there can still be good things that happen? Some plants and animals benefit from the charcoal forests that exist after a forest fire and the lava fields that form after a volcano. Sometimes, ashes can become fertile ground for new things to grow.
Wondering Questions
I wonder what ashes make you think of?
I wonder why someone would choose to have ashes put on their forehead?
I wonder what you think of the words, “Remember that you are dust, now be filled with God’s breath.”
You can use the image below to hang up on the wall as it is, or you can color it. Your choice!
What is Love video
Last week I invited you all to share what you think about love. I asked the question, “What is love?” and many of you answered with your ideas. I compiled them into the video below. Watch and enjoy all the warm thoughts about love! Happy Valentine’s Day to you all!
Loving God,
Help us to remember that when things are difficult and when everything has changed,
when we are sad or worried because we don’t know what the future will look like,
you are with us to bring your comfort and peace.
We ask for your loving touch and healing
in the places where we’ve experienced loss and hurt.
May they become places of hope and new life.