The Parable of the Mustard Seed

What can Jesus help us understand about God? How does God’s love change things?

We have been exploring these questions over the last few weeks and leading up to Easter. Some of the Bible stories we have been looking at are parables–special stories Jesus told to help people understand something about God.

Story: The Parable of the Mustard Seed

Today we will look at a very short parable Jesus told to try to explain what God’s Kingdom is like.

Matthew 13:31-32, Mark 4:30-34, Luke 13:18-19

Wondering Questions

When Jesus told this story, he used just a few sentences to try to explain a really big idea. Little stories like these can teach us a lot, and part of learning from them is wondering together and talking about what they could mean. Talk with your grownup and wonder together.

  • I wonder what other small things can have a big impact?

  • I wonder what the story of the mustard seed can tell us about God’s Kingdom?

  • I wonder what this story can tell us about God’s love?


Print the activity below, and use markers, crayons, or torn paper to fill your tree with life. Can you add leaves, flowers, birds, nest, and fruit to your tree?

Mustard Seed Coloring.png


Let’s sing some songs together! Singing is such a joyful way to connect with God. These songs are all about small things that have a BIG impact–just like a tiny mustard seed can grow to be a huge tree full of life!

Spark - The City Harmonic

Smallest Seed - Two By 2

This Little Light of Mine


Amazing God,

You love the tiniest seed and the biggest tree. Thank you for loving us all with such a big love.

Help us to remember that the little things we do to love others can make a big difference in the world.
