Palm Sunday & Jesus' Last Passover

Did you know that next Sunday is Easter? Easter is a special holiday when we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection! (We’ll talk more about that next week.) But before Easter comes, let’s talk today about what happened before Easter.

Story: The Last Passover

Wondering Questions

  • I wonder how this story makes you feel?

  • I wonder what we can learn about Jesus from this story?

  • I wonder what we can learn about love from this story?

Video: Jesus’ Triumphal Entry

From the day Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey (sometimes called Palm Sunday) until the day Jesus rose from the dead (our holiday called Easter), there are a lot of things that happened in Jesus’ life! Some people call this “Holy Week”. In the slideshow we just watched, we learned about a lot of things that happened, but now let’s look closely at the first event: Jesus being welcomed to Jerusalem as he rode in on a donkey. Watch the video below to see this part of the story.


When Jesus rode into the city of Jerusalem on a donkey, the people celebrated by waving palm branches and singing loudly to welcome him! Let’s celebrate Jesus with singing today, too! If you don’t have any palm branches to wave, you can wave your hands!

Shout Hosanna (Jumping Up and Down)

Activity: Holy Week Banner

Here is an activity that you can do at home with your family to remember some of the things that happened during “Holy Week”, or the week leading up to Easter.

First, print both pages. Cut out the circle for each day, color it if you like, and hang it somewhere for your family to see it. You may want to attach all the circles together with string to make a banner. You may choose to look up the Bible verse each day. From Sunday to Sunday, you can follow along with Jesus’ journey.

Holy Week Banner Printable

Holy Week Banner1024_1.png
Holy Week Banner1024_2.png

For more activities, check out last year’s What Comes Before Easter? lesson.


Dear Jesus,

You did such amazing things and said such wonderful things in your life!

Your love changes people’s lives, and you show a completely different way to live from what people are used to.

Thank you for being a King of Peace, full of love for all.

Help us to learn new things from your stories each time we hear them.


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