Summer of Wonder: Flowers & Plants
/Each week during our Summer of Wonder series, we are looking closely at a different part of God’s creation, wondering at the beauty, science, and mystery of the world around us. This week, we are examining plants and flowers.
Genesis 1:9-13 (MSG), beginning at the third day:
God spoke:
“Separate! Water-beneath-Heaven, gather into one place;
Land, appear!”
And there it was.
God named the land Earth. He named the pooled water Ocean.
God saw that it was good.
God spoke: “Earth, green up!
Grow all varieties of seed-bearing plants,
Every sort of fruit-bearing tree.”
And there it was.
Earth produced green seed-bearing plants, all varieties,
And fruit-bearing trees of all sorts.
God saw that it was good.
I wonder how plants can be good?
I wonder if you can think of any plants that help people (or animals)?
I wonder if you have a favorite plant? Why is it your favorite?
The verses below list some other places in the Bible that talk about flowers and plants in different ways. I wonder how we can feel close to or learn more about God as we think about flowers and plants?
Genesis 1:1-13, Luke 12:27-28, Psalm 96:11-12, John 15:5, Luke 13:19

Story: Flowers are Calling
Video/Photo Project!
All summer long on the Kids Wing Blog, we are celebrating this Summer of Wonder by looking closely at God’s amazing creation. We will be putting together a video at the end of summer of all the beautiful things we saw all summer, so any time you notice something interesting that God made, take a picture or a 3 second video, and send it to me! You can send that to my email
Paper Flower Craft - Using paper, a pencil, a straw, scissors, and glue, you can make a beautiful 3D flower!
Look Inside a Flower Science Project for Kids: Find a real flower, and with a grownup’s help, you can dissect it to see its different parts! Watch the video to see how it’s done!
Song & Video Playlist
Summer of Wonder - Plants - Visit this playlist to be inspired by all kinds of videos about amazing, incredible, beautiful plants and flowers!
You Make Beautiful Things - Lyrics Video. God sure does make beautiful things!
Have a great week exploring God’s creation!