Summer of Wonder: Birds
/Each week during this Summer of Wonder, we will look closely at a different part of God’s creation, wondering at the beauty, science, and mystery of the world around us. This week, we are examining the birds.
Genesis 1:20-23, Psalm 91:4, Deuteronomy 32:10-11
In this part of the Genesis creation story, we can act out what is happening with these actions and motions. Would you like to play along? The words in bold are to read aloud. The words in italics are how to act it out.
Genesis 1:20-23
God spoke: “Swarm, Ocean, with fish and all sea life! (“swim” around in a circle)
Birds, fly through the sky over Earth!” (“fly” around the circle)
God created the huge whales, (open your arms wide)
all the swarm of life in the waters, (make wave motions with arms and hands)
And every kind and species of flying birds. (stand on one leg and lean forward, arms spread like wings)
God saw that it was good. (stand on both legs with arms crossed in front of chest)
God blessed them: “Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Ocean! (arms up in a V shape)
Birds, reproduce on Earth!” (flap arms like wings)
It was evening, (touch toes)
it was morning… (reach up to sky)
Day Five. (let hands fall to your sides)
I wonder why God made birds?
I wonder what God thinks about birds?
There are some other places in the Bible that mention birds. Let’s read them and wonder together.
Psalm 91:4 Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)
“You can go to God for protection.
God will cover you like a bird spreading its wings over its babies.”
Deuteronomy 32:10-11 Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)
“God found them in the desert,
in an empty, windy land.
God surrounded them and watched over them.
and protected them like an eagle when she makes her young leave the nest to fly.
She stays close to them, ready to help.
She spreads her wings to catch them when they fall
and carries them to a safe place.
I wonder what God is like in these passages?
I wonder what you think about God when you hear these passages?

DIY Nests - Learn how to ID a bird nest, and make your own bird nest out of materials you find outside–just like a bird does!
Backyard Bird Tally - Here is a list of common birds that you could see in your own yard or neighborhood! You can print out this page and mark off each bird that you find!
Audubon Activities for Kids - The National Audubon Society put together 10 weeks full of lessons about birds just for kids! There are so many fantastic ideas here for exploring, creating, and learning.
Video/Photo Project
All summer long on the Kids Wing Blog, we are celebrating this Summer of Wonder by looking closely at God’s amazing creation. We will be putting together a video at the end of summer of all the beautiful things we saw all summer, so any time you notice something interesting that God made, take a picture or a 3 second video, and send it to me! You can send that to my email
Video Playlist
Let’s watch some videos about birds! Aren’t they so amazing?
Summer of Wonder - Bird, bat, and bee playlist - Visit this playlist (shown above) to be inspired by real birds, bats, and bees! Some of these videos are beautiful, some are amazing, and some are just hilarious! Enjoy!