The Good Shepherd
/We recently finished a series of stories about Jesus. These stories began with Mary, Joseph and Elisabeth, then the shepherds in the fields when Jesus was born, and continued with the Magi. God wanted people to know Jesus was the special one from God that the people were waiting for, and that Jesus was here.
I wonder why God gave us Jesus?
I wonder what Jesus could help us understand about God?
We’ll explore these questions over the next few weeks and leading up to Easter.
Parable: The Good Shepherd
Today, let’s look at a parable that Jesus told. A parable is a short story that teaches a lesson. As you listen, see if you can figure out what lesson Jesus might have been trying to teach us.
Bible Verses
To read more, here are some places in the Bible that talk about Jesus as the Good Shepherd.
Psalm 23; John 10: 1-18; Isaiah 40:11
It seems important for us to know that Jesus loves and cares for people like a shepherd loves and cares for their sheep.
I wonder what that kind of love might feel like?
God is With Us – A Guided Examen for Families
As we learned in the parable of the Good Shepherd, Jesus shows us how to find what we need, safely get through dangerous places or times, and return to safety. The following activity can help us notice when God might have been with us as we go about our days, and feel God’s presence during times of difficulty.