The Gift of God's Spirit

God loves people.

God had been trying to talk to people and be close with them since the very beginning. But over and over, people moved away from or forgot their connection with God. God spoke to people through prophets. Then Jesus came, who was God with us here on earth! Because of Jesus, people could see, touch, and talk to God. How amazing! After Jesus died, his followers felt scared and alone. But God didn’t give up trying to be close to people, and so God sent a gift–God’s Spirit–to be with every person in every time and every place. God’s Spirit (sometimes called the Holy Spirit) lives in us, connecting us to God always.


What is Pentecost?

Pentecost is when we celebrate God’s Spirit coming to us, when thousands of people came close to God and decided that even if they didn’t look the same or speak the same language, they were neighbors and they would love and care for each other.

And so, Pentecost is kind of like the beginning of the church. We celebrate the gift of God’s spirit and the way it connects us to God and each other.

Pentecost verse.png


You can read more about the story of Pentecost in the following scriptures from the Bible.

Mark 16:19-20, Luke 24:50-53, Acts 1:5-14; 2:1-12

Story: When God Made the Church

Wondering Questions:

I wonder how this story makes you feel?

I wonder if this story is about you and me and all of us?

I wonder what it would have felt like to be there on the day when God’s spirit first came?

I wonder what questions you have?


God’s spirit has been described like both a rushing wind flowing all around us and warm flames that light us up inside. When we think of Pentecost and the gift of God’s spirit, wind and fire are symbols that help us describe something so amazing. Can you imagine God’s spirit rushing around you like wind? Can you imagine God’s spirit warming you up inside like fire? Here are some activities that you can do to reflect on wind and fire.


Here are some songs about light, fire, and what it feels like to have God’s spirit present with us and filling us up. Some of the songs have actions that you can try! Enjoy!

This Little Light of Mine with actions

Set a Fire lyric video

Peace Like a River (song only, no lyrics/video)

Never Let Go of Me with actions


I pray that each of us can learn to notice God’s spirit in and around us, connecting us with God and each other. I’m so glad you’re part of my church community!
