Summer of Wonder: Let There Be Light
/This summer we're going to slow down and notice the world around us. There is so much to marvel at, from the highest mountain peaks to the tiniest microorganisms in the deep ocean. Our world is amazing!
Each week during this Summer of Wonder, we will look closely at a different part of God’s creation, wondering at the beauty, science, and mystery of the world around us.
Watch this beautiful video of some of the interesting things we saw last summer!
Let There Be Light
In our creation story in Genesis 1, we read about light:
“Then God said, ‘Let there be light!’ And light began to shine. God saw the light, and knew that it was good.”
June 20 (yesterday) was the Summer Solstice. It’s also the first official day of summer! Here in the northern hemisphere, the summer solstice, also called Midsummer, is the day when the Sun reaches its highest position in the sky and is the day with the longest period of daylight. Many people around the world celebrate the summer solstice with festivals, rituals, and celebrations.
This week, we’ll wonder about light, the places we find light, and what forms light can take. We invite you to think about where God could be as you’re wondering about light.
Story: Let There Be Light
Wondering Questions:
I wonder what you notice about this story?
I wonder why, in the Genesis story, God made light first?
I wonder what the first light looked like?
I wonder where we can find light?
I wonder if there’s any place we can’t find light?
At the very beginning of the Bible, in Genesis 1, we hear the story of creation.
Genesis 1 (MSG & ERV versions):
“First this: God created the Heavens and Earth—all you see, all you don’t see.
Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness.
God’s Spirit brooded like a bird above the watery abyss.
God spoke: “Light!” And light appeared.
God saw the light, and knew that it was good.”
But Genesis isn’t the only place in the Bible that talks about light. There are places where it says that God is like light, or God IS Light. Jesus called himself “the light of the world”, and said that anyone who follows him will also have the light that gives life. Jesus told his followers that they are like a light that shines for all the world to see. If you click the link below, you can read some of these verses about light.

Summer of Wonder Video 2020:
Would you like to help us make a new Summer of Wonder video? All summer long, any time you notice something beautiful or interesting that makes you feel wonder about God’s creation, you are invited to take a 3 second video of it and send it in. (You might need to ask for help from your grownup at home!) At the end of the summer, we will put all of these video clips together into a movie! 3 second video clips can be sent to Lianna at or 319.321.7771. Have fun exploring God’s creation!
Here are some other fun activities and videos to help you explore light and shadow.
Summer of Wonder playlist: Light - A beautiful collection of videos about different forms of light to inspire you!
How to Make Hand Shadow Puppets - Find a light source and create simple shadow puppets!
Art: Shadow Pictures for Young Children - Create art by tracing simple objects on paper!
Art: More Shadow Art ideas for all ages - You can use a variety of different materials to make art with shadows!
Music Playlist
Here are some songs you can sing along with to celebrate light. From the light within us, to the lights around us, light is a wonderful part of God’s creation!
This Little Light of Mine with actions
Light of the World VBS music video
My Lighthouse lyrics video by Rend Collective
I Saw the Light lyrics video by Etta James
Learn More!
There is so much to learn about light and shadow! Check out these videos for more information.
Light and Shadows, Science for Kids - Learn more about natural and artificial light and what makes a shadow in this educational video.
Sources of Light, Kids Academy - Learn about different sources of light with this video for young kids.
The Longest Day of the Year: The Solstice! - Learn more about the Summer Solstice and what it means!