Solar Theology vs Lunar Theology

In a teaching last Sunday, David borrowed from Barbara Brown Taylor’s book Learning to Walk in the Dark to explore solar theology vs. lunar theology. Here’s the chart David used during that teaching:

solar vs lunar.png

And here’s a short list of just some of the events in the Bible that happen in the dark:

  • Creation account begins in darkness, and days begin with the nighttime (Gen 1)

  • God’s covenant renewed with Abraham (Genesis 15)

  • Jacob’s stairway to heaven dream + God’s covenant with Jacob (Genesis 28)

  • Jacob wrestling with God (Genesis 32)

  • Moses receiving the 10 Commandments and the Torah (Exodus 19)

  • Jonah’s prayer - 3 days in the belly of the sea monster (Jonah 2)

  • Jesus walks on water (Mark 6)

  • Jesus’ resurrection (Luke 24)