/Lent is the season before Easter that begins with Ash Wednesday (on March 6 this year). It is traditionally a time when we’re invited to give more attention to three spiritual practices:
Giving to the poor
Here are some ideas of how you might put these into practice in the coming weeks. All of these are best done with other people, so ask a friend or family member to engage in the practice with you.
Take 5 minutes in the morning, or during lunch break, or in the evening to read a Psalm and pray.
Try simply breathing in silence for 5 minutes each day, mindful of your body and mindful of God’s presence with you.
Try engaging in a common Lenten food fast like abstaining from chocolate, meat, or alcohol. Consider giving away the money you’d normally spend on these items.
Skip a meal once a week and spend the time praying, reading, or journaling.
Consider fasting from your phone, or from social media, or from other screens for a period of time. (No screens! Oh My God, no screens?! Are you crazy?!!)
Share on Instagram & Facebook what you’re planning to do for Lent with the hashtag #SanctuaryLent
Pick a local nonprofit and give an additional financial gift each week.
Donate gently used household items or clothing.
Consider donating to Sanctuary’s HoFfering (which will be collected on Sunday, April 14, 2019). All of the money raised for the HoFfering helps support our church’s Hands On Faith ministry and financial giving to other organizations. When Sanctuary gives money - like our $10,000 Blessing - it’s a big deal in the broader community.