Home Life Questionnaire
/In a typical moment in David's household, his two boys prepare for battle.
In a recent teaching, I mentioned using a Home Life Questionnaire to better understand our kids' perspective. Here are the questions we used. I'm sure there are many others that could be useful for your own home life. Take what's useful and throw out the rest! And comment or email me to let me know how it goes. david@sanctuaryic.org
Almost always 5
Most of the time 4
Some of the time 3
Not very much 2
Almost never 1
Mom and dad are respectful to me.
Mom and dad are respectful to each other
Mom and dad use kind language with me.
Mom and dad don't yell.
Mom and dad are too controlling.
I wish we had more siblings (brothers or sisters) to play with.
My brother is kind and respectful to me.
I am kind and respectful to my brother.
I have fun playing with my brother.
I have fun playing with dad.
I have fun playing with mom.
I feel angry about something that happened at home.
I wish I had more control over screen time and sweet things.
I like the dinners that dad or mom makes for us.
I work hard at my chores and am helpful around the house.
I respond right away when mom or dad asks me to do something.
I feel happy at home.
I feel stressed or worried.
I feel happy at school.